Are You An Introvert Or An Extrovert?

Are you an introvert, quiet and happy within your own mind? Or maybe an extrovert, always open and ready to talk about everything that comes to mind? Or are you somewhere in the between?! Take the test and find out what kind of person you are!

Let's Play!
Question 1/6
What's your vision of a perfect Friday night?
It's a night like every other, I'll just read something or play a game.
I like to be at home and participate in forums or talk to someone on the phone.
I chill with a friend or my SO
I go to a party
I host a party
Question 2/6
How do you feel when an unknown number calls?
I don't answer - let that speak for itself
i have to force myself to answer, sometimes I don't
I answer, slightly annoyed
I'm curious who's calling
I'm sure it's just someone I forgot to add to my contacts
Question 3/6
A stranger smiles at you on the bus stop.
I probably look funny.
I stare at my shoes.
I smile back.
I smile back and maintain eye contact.
I approach them to kill some time by talking
Question 4/6
How many people do you see at least weekly?
Question 5/6
Where did you meet/will you probably meet your SO?
At school/uni/work
While volunteering
Introduced by a friend
At a party
Question 6/6
Do you like being photographed?
I'd rather they whipped me
I don't
It doesn't bother me
I usually enjoy it
I love it!

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