How Classy Are You?

Do you actually realize what kind of person you are and how people perceive you? The way you carry yourself truly says a lot. Are you more posh than the queen herself or maybe casual and chill? Take this test and find out how classy you are!

Let's Play!
Question 1/6
There's a huge albeit optional inaugaration party at your uni. You...
Buy a new dress for the occassion. And shoes.
Jump into your pretties gown and go for it.
Go in a smart outfit.
Drop by to take a look in a casual dress.
Skip it entirely.
Question 2/6
Your boss announces the establishment of casual Friday. Friday comes...
You go to work as smartly-dressed as ever. Maybe a bit more
You treat it like every other day
You dress more smart-casual than just smart
You are glad to finally be able to wear looser clothes
You come to work in a T-shirt and decide to ignore stares
Question 3/6
Would you like to be part of royalty?
I AM ROYALTY. They just don't know yet.
I would enjoy that immensely
I'd like to be part of the fam, but I don't want a demanding position
I could go with the "rich" part, but don't need no blue blood
I'm good, thanks
Question 4/6
Do you enjoy going to the cinema?
I prefer opera.
I prefer theater.
If the movie's top, sure.
I love action flicks!
I love popcorn! And movies are rad, too.
Question 5/6
You're not wearing make-up today! What happened?
I'm in coma.
I'm bed-ridden.
I don't have to go anywhere today.
I don't have work today.
Day like any other day, duh
Question 6/6
You grew up in the country and your home accent is very characteristic.
Me? Country accent? You must be mistaking me with someone, dear.
It's been eradicated, but I never deny my roots.
It comes back when I'm tired. That's why I catch a lot of beauty sleep.
I don't care apart of very official situations.
Howdy y'all, any problems?

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