How Good Are You At Reading People's Emotions?

It's human to feel different emotions, but how do you fare when it's not you, but other people who express them? Are you capable of understanding what they mean, even if they don't state it explicitly? Take this test to find out your level of empathy!

Let's Play!
Question 1/6
How often do people approach you for comfort or advice?
They never do
It seems that sometimes they do, but I find out after they've already gone away
All the time
Question 2/6
How fast do you realize that two people have the hots for each other?
When they don't anymore
When they start being in a relationship
When they start seeing each other more often than earlier
As soon as they develop the feelings
I can foresee there'll be something between them
Question 3/6
Are you capable of spotting a liar?
I'd like to, but all I do is guess
Not really
If I know the truth
If they're blatant
In many cases, yes
Question 4/6
Do movies and books make you emotional?
Why would they? They're not real
Rarely, if the piece is outstanding
Sometimes I feel adrenaline surge
The final scenes always get me
I always feel as if I was the main character
Question 5/6
I'd rather hurt someone and get what I want than not get it.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Question 6/6
Your SO starts crying at a remark you made.
You leave the room
You shout that you did nothing wrong
You say that you didn't want to hurt them
You ask what made them so sad
You hug them and try to comfort them

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