What Does Your Handwriting Reveal About You?

Your handwriting contains a special map of your personality, but only the experts - including us - are privy to what it means. Analyzing your handwriting gives keen detectives like Sherlock Holmes a special insight into your psyche. It can point to an astonishing 5,000 different traits! Curious about what yours says about you? Don't hesitate -- click!

Let's Play!
Question 1/6
Somebody asks you to write your name. What writing tool do you immediately grab?
An oil pastel.
A calligraphy pen.
A red colored pencil.
A regular pen.
A phone to text on.
Question 2/6
How would you primarily describe how your name looks, once it's written?
Exquisite -- probably like Shakespeare's writing.
Like an abstract painting.
Something written by a person much younger than me.
I think I wrote my name once... it was in kindergarten.
My signature always looks exactly like my signature -- no deviation!
Question 3/6
Which way does your writing slant?
To the right.
It slants in neither direction.
To the left.
I actually don't know!
What do you mean by "slant"?
Question 4/6
What is the size of your letters?
Depends on where I'm writing it.
Letters? I only send e-mails.
Question 5/6
What does your handwritten letter
It's round.
It's pointy.
It's open at the bottom.
I've yet to find out! I'm too busy texting everyone.
A handwritten letter "S."
Question 6/6
Loops are completely silly. What nonsense!
Loopier than Fruit Loops.
Average amount of loopiness - not too over the top.
Too loopy to even exist.
I'm not much of a looper, but I respect those who are.

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