What Is The Character Trait Your Family Values About You?

Your family loves you a lot and you know that! But have you ever wondered what is their absolutely favorite thing about you? What's the first word that comes to their minds when asked about you? Take the test and see the character trait that your family values about you the most!

Let's Play!
Question 1/6
Your family forgot a family friend's birthday!
You tell them not to panic and you come up with a life-saving idea.
You grab a gift from your in-case-of-forgotten-birthday stash.
You invest a respectable chunk of change to fix a last minute surprise.
You put all your family to work over a to-be hand-made gift.
You book a ticket for a winter trip to Cambodia for your friend.
Question 2/6
Your child came home high.
You wait till tomorrow to address the issue, they're in no condition now.
You educate them on the risks of getting caught
You offer to get them to rehab.
You come up with 10 ideas of having fun without drugs.
You get a bit high with them to talk sense to them in their own realm.
Question 3/6
Your partner got sacked.
You grant them an evening of silent mourning before you try to evaluate your options.
You instantly do a review of your bank accounts and credit cards to know where you're standing.
You promise to dive into your savings if that'll be needed.
You come up with an idea for a part time job for them for until they find a new gig.
You share the idea of travelling the world now that there's one fewer thing to hold you down.
Question 4/6
What animal would you rather have?
Guinea pig
Question 5/6
What would you never do to a loved one?
Go ballistic over something insignificant
Leave them alone with some kind of burden
Refuse loaning them money for a month
Discourage them from following a beloved hobby
Criticize their optimism
Question 6/6
Where would you rather live?
Someplace peaceful
Someplace affordable
Someplace luxurious
Someplace unique
Someplace wild

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