What Kind Of Relationship Do You Have With Your Children?

Parent-child relationships are very diverse in this modern era and have an important influence on development. Each method of parenting has its upsides and downsides. However, each child is different, so their own personality is just as important in determining what any parent-child relationship is like! Find out what your relationship with your child is like here!

Let's Play!
Question 1/6
Your child wants to go to a party where many new people will be. What do you do?
Say, “alright, bud, whatever you want!”
Give them a map and give them a 20 minute lecture on stranger danger.
You decide to come to the party WITH them!
Ask again whether or not your child asked something across the room - you were watching TV and didn’t hear.
You tell them that they should dress up in costume, even though it’s not a costume party - it’ll be fun!
Question 2/6
It’s your child’s first day of school. What do you do?
You buy all of their folders, notebooks, backpacks, and clothing for them before they even realize school’s coming up.
Decide that they should have one extra day of summer and make it a day trip to the amusement park instead.
Make sure to ask, as soon as they get home, about all the classroom gossip.
Start reading your next novel.
Tell them to be careful around kids that look big and tough and to make sure that they have your phone number engraved on their backpack.
Question 3/6
Your child gets a mild bruise on his or her knee from playing outside. You:
Call 911.
Immediately show your child the scars you got throughout your life, then proceed to get the peroxide.
Throw some Band-Aids in the kids’ general direction.
Enter the Emergency First Aid Station Room in your house that’s ready to be used at any moment’s notice.
Act like a crazy doctor played by Robin Williams with a red nose on your face, in hopes that laughter will be the best medicine.
Question 4/6
What after school or extracurricular activity would you want your child to take?
It doesn’t matter, as long as they’re out of the house.
One that seems best after I spend plenty of time thinking about it.
Question 5/6
What’s it like when you take your child to an amusement park?
Almost as cool as the coolest concert I’ve ever been to.
You ride the rides more than your own kids ride the rides, and they get tired before you do.
They can ride their rides; I’ll ride mine!
Tense. I’m always scared one of those roller coasters is going to collapse.
You follow them wherever they go, even the bathroom on an empty day.
Question 6/6
When your baby was too small to walk, you:
Put on a three act puppet show for them or similar entertainment, at least once every couple of weeks.
Occasionally talked to it.
Made sure the whole house was gated off so that it wouldn’t get anywhere it shouldn’t.
Blasted it some of your favorite songs so it would have good taste in music.
Carried it around absolutely wherever you went!

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