What Kind Of Smart Are You?

There are many different kinds of intelligence out there. And if everyone had the same type, then where would the beautiful variety be? The fact is, we need people of all kinds of "smarts" to make this world go around. People are unique and beautiful as flowers, and we're all smart, each in our own way.

Let's Play!
Question 1/6
What would you do if you were lost in an unknown city?
I’d find my way around easily
No worries; I brought my Atlas along, just in case
Desperately consult my phone
Talk to one of the first people I see; if they seem trustworthy, hitch a ride home.
Follow and ask the next attractive person I see for directions
Question 2/6
What’s your favorite class in college?
Never went to college
Social Studies/Psychology
I’m just here for the parties
Question 3/6
You just lost your job. What do you do?
Take this time to finish that sonnet you were writing for that special someone.
Check the online classifieds after ranting about it on Facebook.
This is the perfect opportunity you’ve been waiting for to branch out into your own business!
Polish up the resume and do some research into various industries.
No worries; you can talk your way into any job - it’s just keeping them that’s the problem sometimes.
Question 4/6
The in-laws are coming in for the weekend and you have to prepare a meal. What do you do?
Find a caterer online who delivers.
No problem; I’ll whip up my favorite recipe in no time.
Make a candlelit meal for your mother and father in law.
Find top-rated cookbook and select appropriate recipe.
Convince your in-laws to take you out to eat!
Question 5/6
If you could be anyone, who would you be?
A successful businessperson
A politician
Question 6/6
What’s your greatest fear?
Getting hit by a car
Being alone
That your crush never thinks about you
The Internet going down for more than a couple of hours
Failing an important test

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