Which Cat Breed Should You Be?

Are you a cat lover who's always wondering what breed of cat you would be? The possibilities are endless! Let's find the purrrfect match for you with this entertaining quiz!

Let's Play!
Question 1/6
How do you feel about dogs?
I love dogs!
I like them as long as they don't take attention away from me.
I love playful dogs.
I don't love them, but I don't hate them either.
Not a big fan.
Question 2/6
What's the best way to spend an afternoon?
Doesn't matter, as long as all your friends are with you.
Working on a 2000 piece puzzle.
Lazy day at home.
Hike through the forest.
Question 3/6
Someone is trying to fight you, how do you react?
No one would ever try to fight you, they know better.
You're not afraid of a fight, especially with your friends to back you up.
Talk them out of fighting.
Run away.
Bring it on!
Question 4/6
What do you want for Christmas?
A new gaming system.
Superbowl tickets.
Question 5/6
What do you consider a fashion DON'T?
I don't really care.
Cargo shorts
Flip flops
Animal print
Question 6/6
How large is your friend group?
I've never met someone I didn't like.
I have one best friend.
I have a couple of best friends.
I'm kind of a loner.
I have a lot of "friends" and a few best friends.

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